Trust Grows Beyond Religion

About two weeks ago, I hit a point of trust with the Lord. Most of my life has centered on trying to overcome the next hurtle. “If I can just get past this problem, then everything will be okay,” I’d always think to myself. But every sea I walk through leads to another challenge, bigger each time. As I age, now at the decrepit and elderly point of wisdom of 33 years old—and as I always think of myself as being more wise now than I will be the very next year—I’m facing the hard reality:

Challenges with need for trusting God only get bigger; those challenges will only seem smaller if my trust grows faster.

That’s not easy, ya know.

At any moment, everything can be taken away. It’s easy to get money in the bank so we can forget that God provides our daily bread. But I don’t want to forget that.  · · · →

The Threshold of Responsibility and Trust

I recently met a woman who may have captured my interest. What caught my attention was her respect. I have never met a woman in my life when the word “respectful” came to mind. I’ve met women of all generations who had self-control of their emotions and tried their best to be positive. And many women I know are respectful. But no woman I ever met had such a manner and skill of respect that the word “respect” came to mind so quickly.

And that’s also not to say that she thinks of herself as somehow inferior to me or anyone else. She not only respects me and those around her, she respects herself.

She doesn’t know English well at all, but being married to a woman who speaks a different language, actually, may solve many problems… hehehehe.

The greater hurtle to jump, if the relationship ever has a prayer, is our differing views about God.  · · · →

Interesting Case for the People’s Party

Based on some Gallup research, an article from I J Review, Moral Divides Among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents Captured in Two Charts, there are some differences between Republican, Independent, and Democrat voters—but the difference is 10-15% in most cases, exceptions being things like porn and abortion.

If we disagree 15% at most on most issues, then why are we losing 80% of our mutual goals in Congress? It’s time for the People’s Party. Read the completely free eBook, available in eBookstores for Apple and Nook and here at Smashwords: The People’s Party: A Blueprint for American Political Revival .  · · · →

Weblogs, eBooks & Visioneering

This is the beginning of a new series that describes what I’m currently working on in terms of projects. “The Desk” is what a “weblog” (‘blog’ for short) was always meant to be—a log of projects posted on the web. Most blogs have become single author news columns with lax style standards, which was not the original weblog concept. In terms of multi-author weblogs, these are more like web-based collaborative newsletters, but a web-based journal/log system isn’t designed for this. A weblog is a journal shared with the world and most weblog systems, such as WordPress and Blogspot, work well for that. However, writers and collaborative websites need something more than just an online journal publication. And that “something more” is what I have in the works.

Web-publishing writers have been using weblog CMS tools merely because the weblogs are the best tools available, not because a weblog is the best tool.  · · · →