Welcome Thy Friends

Welcome Thy Friends

Jesus warned that a prophet is never welcome in his hometown. Even his mother and brothers treated him like he was crazy at times.

But, this was not a rule that a prophet must conform to. It was a warning to the hometown and family.

We have a natural tendency to think less of people in our close circles. Think about the logic of that…

“No one close to me could ever be brilliant. So, anyone I know who talks big—I’ll put him in his place.”

Don’t do that. Strange as it sounds: Heed good ideas, even from friends.  · · · →

Boss Your Decision

Boss Your Decision

Many times, people’s decisions are wrong, but they have the authority to decide. Maybe they should change, but arguing with them won’t help once their decision is final. You can’t change others, but don’t quit.

Be a boss, fix problems under your control—everyone has some. Start new things, inspire people, or publish your dissenting opinion somewhere useful. Just, accomplish something.

Music lessons for pigs are annoying and achieve little. If you try to teach pigs to sing, consider that you might be wrong and your boss has accepted it and already moved on, which is why he’s the boss.  · · · →

What to Do

What to Do

Half of society has decided that they don’t want to be told what to do.

It’s not that they don’t want to be bossed or controlled. It’s not that they want freedom. Though, they tell themselves such. Actually, they just want everything to be their own idea.

They don’t ask whether their actions will succeed or fail. They don’t ask if something is good or bad, desirable, healthy, painful, useful, wise, or quite the opposite of all these. They only ask whether someone is “telling them”.

If you tell such people, “Go, thrive, and succeed,” they will fail on purpose.  · · · →

Two Types of Futurism

Two Types of Futurism

There are two types of reasons people predict the future.

The first type is common to everyone—we try to predict the future to see how well we know the past to guide us to accurately anticipate what will happen next.

The second reason is more of the psychopathic reason, and unfortunately is the hidden reason for many of us; the second reason for predicting the future is because we prefer our prediction to become the future. Sometimes, this is called “wishful thinking”.

Believing something will happen and agreeing that something should happen are two different things. Don’t be confused.  · · · →