Another Reason I Switched to Open Source

Another Reason I Switched to Open Source

Another Reason I Switched to Open Source

@PacificDT Editorial Blog:

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, October 5 | Symphony

Encore of Revival: America, October 5 | Symphony

This Week:

Rush’s Monday comments on the Pope fooling people: There is nothing wrong in what the Pope is saying. There could be a danger, however, if people decide that the Pope is “good” or “bad” based on this—if people judge the man rather than the message. Never trust anyone based on their words. Judge the message separately from the messenger. That will provide us with the clarity to discern such the times.

The Desk:

Moving completely to Ubuntu. Proprietary software companies don’t only want to control where you install their software—they want to control what you do with the stuff you make with their software. It includes, pictures, letters, fonts, logos… So, if I use free, open source software, such as SIL or Apache licenses, then there is no problem.  · · · →

Petition: Protect Taiwan’s Students, Protect America from China’s Military

I posted a new petition on to raise awareness of the deep problems with Taiwan’s “black box” negotiations with China. Congress and the American public need to know.

You can view the petition here. It is very easy to sign it:


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Justice Supreme

In 2009, Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts was publically scolded for ruling against the President. Believe me you, he won’t make that mistake again.

The supreme court has it’s own motivations. Unlike politicians, who are concerned with public opinion, the justices are primarily concerned with the future power of the court itself. If it loses respect, it will become irrelevant. No one understands irrelevance as Supreme Justices who rule on relevance of fact and testimony every day.

As a result, the court often rules on cases in a manner that asserts their power, creates chaos for legislation that does not have every “T” crossed and every “I” dotted, and, mostly, overloads every level of government and society beneath the court with last-minute homework assignments. It’s as if they say, “Don’t bring this to me again. Finish your homework next time. And let that be a lesson to you.”

This different framework of decision making doesn’t cross the minds of political pundits.  · · · →