Dear China

The PointI write as a foreigner, an American, living as a guest in Taiwan—a nation with a similar history with you as Great Britain has with my own country.

When siblings have a dispute, they keep it between themselves. An older and younger brother may quarrel, but if anyone harms either brother, both brothers will stand together. Though brothers still have their disputes, they remain brothers. Their strengths cover each others’ weaknesses. In the end, they never seek to win a fight against each other, they seek to win friendship and reconciliation. Even in their grievances, they still give each other justice. Their conflict proves all the more that they love each other and that they are one family because they pay restitution with love.

The Taiwanese are your brothers.

You claim that Taiwan is a region under your government, yet, the Koreans disrespect that region in many sports leagues and you do not react as an older brother does.

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