Survival v Sophistry

Podcast Weekly

Survival v Sophistry

@PacificDT Editorial Blog:

Cadence of Conflict: Asia, May 4 | Symphony

Encore of Revival: America, May 4 | Symphony

The Desk:

Fonts, 24 hours of work

Books & Brands:

May be taking on a new brand

May be getting ready to launch an existing brand

Getting into feathercoins as an investment concept

News & Politics:

I was right (which isn’t newsworthy.) Hillary was not responsible for Benghazi

I was right (which isn’t newsworthy.) LinkedIn joins social media losers (…dives up to 25%)

…LinkedIn is NOT the future, just another resume-pusher.

National police, Clintons, Sharpton… Dangerous because of Constitutional consequences—just like Obama pulled on Iraq, a future government could declare all national police traitors of the Constitution, which would be bad for the entire nation because there would be no good outcome.


This week:

Murphy wanted help, but can’t figure out how to call me.

Studied fonts, YouTube History and a great typography introduction.

Kitten survived.