Advertising Gone Too Far

Facebook’s becoming a billboard. It didn’t start that way. And that’s why we liked it. Then it went public… certified, accredited, accountable, regulated… and Zuckerberg’s ” business nose” was no longer sufficient to manage the company. Now, it’s run by the same tycoons who destroyed Government Motors.

Facebook is valuable and successful because people use it, not from the popularity of advertisers. It’s the audience—the users, the readers, the listeners, the people… We made Facebook into Facebook.

It was the same as Rush Limbaugh’s snaffoo with advertisers. He’s a controversial guy. That’s why people listen to him. Angry elitists were jealous, so, not understanding how business works, they heckled his advertisers. See, in Liberal grad school ville, Moderate politics, and Asia, when someone voices the slightest disagreement, everyone throws up their hands, apologizes, placates, negotiates, compromises, and forsakes every value that makes them unique. That’s not the case with job creators, pioneers, Jesus followers, Conservatives, and number one Radio Talk Show hosts.  · · · →

For Us

With all God did for us

He’s the best for us.

Gave His Son for us,

Made the sun for us,

Wrote the plans for us,

And instructs for us:

Name His House of Prayer for us.

Satan lept for us,

But He came for us,

Died and rose for us.

His heart burns for us.

I can’t speak for us;

He intercedes for us.

So, I’ll pray for us,

’til His Kingdom comes…

…for us.  · · · →

Justice Supreme

In 2009, Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts was publically scolded for ruling against the President. Believe me you, he won’t make that mistake again.

The supreme court has it’s own motivations. Unlike politicians, who are concerned with public opinion, the justices are primarily concerned with the future power of the court itself. If it loses respect, it will become irrelevant. No one understands irrelevance as Supreme Justices who rule on relevance of fact and testimony every day.

As a result, the court often rules on cases in a manner that asserts their power, creates chaos for legislation that does not have every “T” crossed and every “I” dotted, and, mostly, overloads every level of government and society beneath the court with last-minute homework assignments. It’s as if they say, “Don’t bring this to me again. Finish your homework next time. And let that be a lesson to you.”

This different framework of decision making doesn’t cross the minds of political pundits.  · · · →

Google Headed Down

I don’t say it lightly. They’ve pioneered a lot with online search and their Gmail has proven to the world that the market likes “labels” instead of “folders”… not sure why no other email engines have figured that out. Perhaps it’s related to the fact that software is often written by programmers—who tend to think in terms of “exclusive categories” and Norton Commander/DOS file-system directories, forgetting that conversations affect more than one topic at a time.

But… back to Google…

How did they become famous? Why did we like them? What made them different?

AOL earned itself an early reputation for being the first and only company that found a way to spam our snail mail boxes with software. We “marked” them accordingly.

Yahoo! …it’s in the name itself: excitement. But, excitement about what? I mean, if your brand get’s people’s adrenaline going, they’ll quickly leave unless there’s a good reason.  · · · →