
The PointThe next big division in America may be over how to deal with political Moderates. It’s become a big problem. But what caused it? Because we let the Moderate problem got out of hand, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We haven’t reigned them in properly. And using the same methods that gave them power won’t reverse anything.

On the one hand, we have the third-party voters. “I don’t like either guy, so I’m going third party! It’s about principal,” they say. Okay, but which principals? Make sure that you elect a candidate who is either 100% perfect or 100% wrong—that principal? If so, okay. But good philosophies need to work. All the ideals in the world are useless if the candidate can’t get elected. What’s the difference between a perfectly unelectable candidate and a liar who breaks his campaign promises? I’d say, the difference is typically about 45% in the polls—except Ross Perrot narrowed that gap in 1992, helping elect Clinton.  · · · →