Rights in Riots

Rights in Riots

Rights in Riots

A mother sees her son rioting on TV, then finds him for a smackdown. Police are told to stand down and retreat. The mother is hailed as a heroin, then criticized for standing up in her family more than police in Baltimore.

Rioters try to justify the riots, Sharpton warns not to play with matches, and the Right Wing says there is no excuse for the riots. The Left and Right fail to understand one thing: right or wrong, angry rioters will burn down buildings and angry mothers will smack down their adult children. We need smarts, not just rights.  · · · →

Sunday Marketing Matters

Sunday Marketing Matters

Sunday Marketing Matters

The marketing message of Churchianity is, “If you don’t attend Sunday morning, then you can forget Jesus.” But the implication is, “If you attend Sunday morning, then you can forget the rest of the week.” For the last millennium, most people did either one or the other.

Former Churchainity members, recently disenfranchised, don’t want to forget Jesus, they want to forget Sunday morning and remember Jesus from when they first met.

Sinking business models often use marketing to stay afloat after a change in the tide. Maybe marketing Sunday morning had a reverse effect. Or, maybe it just didn’t matter.  · · · →

Get it Right

Get it Right

Get it Right

We easily get distracted, especially with good things. Home-based copywriters often struggle with getting addicted to self-help blogs. They get so busy “self-improving” that they don’t actually do anything that makes money.

America has become so focused on rights and compassion, production is sliding and we can’t fund the countries that have become dependent on our charity and military.

Our problems begin at home. We are obsessed with marketing ourselves, with health, fitness, or frame of mind. Did we pick that up from copywriters? Maybe they got it from trying to understand the market. Or maybe we’re in a tailspin.  · · · →

Room in the Road

Room in the Road

Room in the Road

Moderates have tried for millennia to fix everything from economics to religion to politics, even personal relationships. They mean well, but only fail and insult because right and left can’t merge.

There isn’t much room in the middle of the road. Nor can everyone ride the fence.

Some fences keep us safe and give us the the self-imposed limits we need in order to be happy. Other fences should be torn down. No fences should be ridden. Roads are for riding, not standing.

Safe roads need a right and a left with clear lines that aren’t crossed. So do countries.  · · · →