Fears Feed on Fear

Fears Feed on Fear

Many evil deeds are impossible against those who do not fear whatever harm evil might do.

Evil, wicked men plot and plan terrible things, but those things cannot begin unless people fall into panic. And, let us not forget that part of the war against evil is against spirits and demons who literally feed on fear and grow larger and more powerful in size the more people are afraid of what has not yet happened.

Next time terrors and fears come knocking on your door, treat them as an alien sentience: Ignore them. Focus your planning on paths of love.  · · · →

Love Cures Crazy

Love Cures Crazy

Mental conditions originate from many sources, whether medical or emotional-physical abuse or a learning style ignored or a type of autism wrongly reacted to. Situations like these get worse and worse, spiraling around a self-smothering cocoon of crazy. Once cocooned up in the crazy tree, no one can help that person more than that person is willing.

Everyone feels the pull to climb crazy trees at times. The only thing that pulls us down from climbing crazy is love from other people. Knowing that someone on the ground loves us and calls out to us can call us back down.  · · · →

Axe Your Packs

Axe Your Packs

Moving forward often requires placing our favored pet projects on the chopping block to move forward without them.

It’s easy to see which projects need the axe, but accepting so proves more difficult. Right away, we know what costs more and can’t carry its own weight—which projects don’t sow “good karma” (so to speak) and which ones generate the necessary buzz of a “freemium” business model.

The keepers stay afloat, being able to generate and lift. Some things need carrying in their beginnings, but you can only carry so much baggage. Axe whatever weighs more than you can carry.  · · · →

Visit People

Visit People

Take time out of your business to travel, sit, and talk face to face with people. Cancel important things. Cut your business profits. Ax. Hack. Chop off something you are doing that needs to be done. Make the sacrifice that won’t kill you so that other people can encounter you in the flesh.

Sometimes it is rejuvenating and your own work list actually gets more items checked-off after a personal encounter. You need that encounter as much as other people do.

Some face-to-face time helps relationships because it’s the right thing to do, costing everyone less time in the end.  · · · →