Drop Petty Controls

Drop Petty Controls

Don’t fall for it! Everyone has moments when we find dirt on someone or we catch an enemy at a weak moment. David could have killed Saul twice, which would have saved the kingdom from a megalomaniac who wanted to kill David. Then again, what then?

If David had killed Saul when chances came, many respected voices in the kingdom would have called it an “assassination”, possibly spiraling into civil war.

These small control chances we stumble across are opportunities to demonstrate our maturity; using them to dominate is just weak and petty. Don’t, and don’t fear those who try.  · · · →

Self Sickness

Self Sickness

You can’t go through life feeling sorry for yourself, then expecting things to turn out well. You can’t feel sorry for yourself and expect that you won’t get sick or that you won’t somehow manage to create your own bad luck.

Self pity is an emotional storm cloud. It brings you down, maybe your immune system with it.

It can be hard—not nursing your wounds because others with greater wounds need greater attention, maybe even your attention. But, when you’ve put others’ needs and troubles before your own, something rises up in you from the inside making you stronger.  · · · →



Being in the presence of toxic people is intoxicating. They make you crazy! Constant disrespect, verbal vomit, aggravation at every turn—you don’t want others to think of those things when they think of you. Make sure you don’t slip down that slow slope.

Sometimes we have to put up with others. You could draw a line in the sand, like God did with coastlines, saying, “Here and no farther.” But, making lemonade always earns kudos.

Survive toxic people by being in touch with higher power. Think on the God who drew coastlines, then you can ignore the beating waves.  · · · →

Cut Anchor and Sail On

Cut Anchor and Sail On

When you’re stuck in life, you’re probably stuck on something. Maybe you’re hanging onto it or maybe you’re letting it hang onto you. We don’t like to let go of the anchors we drag, but we have to if we don’t want to drag anchor.

One anchor is “offense”—someone does something no one should be allowed to do! Just remember that you don’t need to be offended by an offense for the rest of your life. If you drag someone else’s offense with you, you’ll sail it to others. Sell anchors in port. Anchor shipping makes an unprofitable business.  · · · →