What It Feels Like

I’m a Christian.

I don’t force my beliefs on others. Rather, I enjoy time with people who think differently. But, society doesn’t seem to accept that.

I’m a Christian.

Churchianity hates me if I don’t hate those tho disagree with me. Others who hate Christianity hate me if I believe that ideas like black, white, red, and plaid can be defined.

I’m a Christian.

I have friends who are homosexual. They know I don’t agree with them and they remain my friends. Is this not allowed? Must we agree prior to friendship?

I’m a Christian.

I join the two million and increasing number of Christians, about half of them in Asia, who find that the single greatest thing they did to grow closer to Jesus Christ was to make Jesus their only pastor and abandon clergy. Western Churchianity persecuted them, slandered them, so the Chinese Communists imprisoned them and killed them.  · · · →

China on Missionaries

China, I’m an American Christian in Asia. Please put a stop to Western missionaries in your country. Their religion has not helped our divorce rate nor our family values. However, Watchman Nee’s Local Church (召會) has helped greatly. They don’t want large religious establishments or organized movements, they only want Jesus Christ Himself. You can trust them, but don’t take my word for it. You have the evidence there, in China, with you. They obey your laws and respect you. They are your Church and I want America to learn from them.  · · · →

Good Judgement: A Direction toward Reconciliation

It’s often goes without notice, with any conflict, that people who refuse to forgive usually have good reasons. The offending party may be, in fact, hazardous. A friend once sat at mother’s kitchen table and explained that there is a difference between trust and forgiveness. When hurt, it’s easy to become drunk on anger. But, then we often attempt to sedate our anger-drunkenness through abused wife complexes and encourage the beating to continue. A mother can do this as a way to survive, even rebuking her children who try to stand up to the abusive father. Too often, this disaster is viewed as “forgiveness”. Letting a murderer walk, no matter how “sorry” he is, isn’t merely about our own feelings towards him. It’s about our need to protect other innocent people from future harm. Our own pain can easily lead to narcissism and we no longer consider needs of others. We easily think that, in order to “forgive”, other innocent people must be put at risk.  · · · →

Reconciled Christian Foundations

Ask any artist, musician, or photographer: Not everything can be expressed in words. All the more is this true of the Infinite-Eternal God as well as His Image and the relationship between the two. Words are but one tool to help people understand each other and our God. Doctrine was developed for the purpose of unity. Divisive doctrine, by definition, cannot be correct. Where have we gone wrong? Sometimes arguments are caused by too many words and too much parsing. In those cases, less analysis may be the key to understanding one another, and understanding, the key to reconciliation and unity.

Diligent Reconciliation Is Our Strength Against False Teaching

If we neglect an unmet need in the Church, some may stray from the flock merely to seek answers. They will likely find something less than best. If they do find something good then they will be sad not to have the rest of the flock with them.

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