Prayer will keep us from disunity. Disunity will keep us from prayer.

Sarah Palin said that America needs a “Come to Jesus” moment about our national debt. The same is true of our debt to each other.

Prayer can unite us. Petty differences in theology, especially in literature, have only ever divided us. We’ve got the Church Councils. We have the Bible. Why can’t we come together and pray?

The American Church must evaluate Christian leaders based on their ability to bring distant Christians together. I don’t merely mean their desire to bring Christians together, though that’s a great start.

The last verse of the Old Testament explains the spirit of the New Testament: Turn the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers. That was the work of John the Baptist—preparing the way for Jesus.

The 2012 election wasn’t about Democrats vs Republicans. We elected a Republican House and a Democrat President. No.  · · · →

Watchman Nee and…

Someone asked Watchman Nee in China, 1947: “If a servant of the Lord from another Christian group gives us more or higher spiritual light, do we receive it?”

Watchman Nee thought for a while and then said: “God did not give us all the light. If somebody gives us more light, we should be very glad to receive it!”

Watchman Nee was a Christian leader of the Church in China and founder of the Local Church movement, which began in China. Much has been said about Watchman, including a statement made by Congressman Christopher Smith (NJ-04) on July 30, 2009 in the first session of the 111th Congress.

As Hank Hanegraaff of the Christian Research Institute explains in the video, the Local Church movement has some of the most exemplary Christians in the world. I personally can attest to this statement since I, too, have traveled and seen Christians in several locations in this movement and held regular fellowship with them.  · · · →

Local Church Movement and Today

The Local Church movement of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee has been the source of much controversy over the last century, since the movement began in China, before the Communist revolution of Mao Zedong. Though there is room for improvements to the movement—as the Body of Christ remains an unfinished work of the Lord until His return—it offers significant insight into an understanding of healthy structure for many aspects of ministry function.

I have met with living witnesses who knew Nee and Lee very well. I have been given privileged information which I have been asked not to publish out of personal respect. While my sources shall remain anonymous, and while I will defend the credibility of my claims because that would compromise their anonymity, the reader must understand that I have had many talks and cups and cups of coffee with some of the oldest living Christians who were there in the beginning with Nee and Lee.  · · · →

For Us

With all God did for us

He’s the best for us.

Gave His Son for us,

Made the sun for us,

Wrote the plans for us,

And instructs for us:

Name His House of Prayer for us.

Satan lept for us,

But He came for us,

Died and rose for us.

His heart burns for us.

I can’t speak for us;

He intercedes for us.

So, I’ll pray for us,

’til His Kingdom comes…

…for us.  · · · →