VSE | Political Perspectives… and how I write speech notes

Podcast Weekly

Here are some more notes to expand on:

Talk Chart - Political Perspectives

“Nation of Immigrants” vs “Nation of Pilgrims (Immigrant Patriots)”

Fallacy: America is special because it has immigrants from different cultures, that’s it. America’s DNA is not merely “immigrants”, which collapse every multi-cultural empire. The DNA is people from any culture saying,  “Give me liberty or give me death death”, being willing to die to fight people who want to “help” us. In the general sense, Colonial Americans organized themselves under rank and law to institutionalize this concept: “If you want to help me then don’t help me. You do not ‘help’ me, you keep out of my way. The other option is that I fight and die to keep you out of my children’s way.” That attitude is what made America exist.

“Tyranny of the Masses” vs “Republic if you can keep it”

Fallacy: Electoral college is unfair, majority rule is always fair to minorities. Since when did “minority rights” advocates defend majority rule? Democracy is merely tyranny of the masses. In a pure democracy, 51% can exercise totalitarian rule over 49%; in a republic, the 99% can’t overpower the 1%’s rights.

Trump has the minority: Pew and other research estimates at least 800,000 in fake votes, leaving Hillary at +2M. California and New York, Trump won the primaries, but he did not set foot in for the general election. LA bosses California; Manhattan bosses New York; Conservatives just stay home. He’s not minority.

RNC, DNC, and Big Money

Fallacy: Republican and Democratic voters support what their politicians do.  No, they don’t. Republican voters don’t support Big Money. Democratic voters don’t hate honest-made rich people.

Conservatives, Liberals, and Social Justice

Fallacy: Only Liberals love people, Conservatives want “same old same old” and don’t care about anything else. Conservatives actually want the same results as democrat voters. We all want a strong, stable country where everyone is free. The disagreement is about how to get things there in the first place.

Two sides: inside-office thinkers vs front-line contacters. Both groups of people have opinions about hammers, plows, boots, chisels, and the makings of things. One group has used those tools, the other has enjoyed the food from the farm and the buildings built, but have never touched those tools. The difference of opinion in America is about how to use those tools.

We all want life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, justice for the minority vote, and multiple cultures. Our disagreement is about how to make that happen.

Big Government

Fallacy: Government always does everything perfectly enough. No, it doesn’t because power attracts corruption. Power seats always attract people who don’t want to do a good job, they just want the perks of power. If you want things done right, you can’t let the focus of corruption do things for you.

Fallacy: Palpatine’s clone army is the solution to Palpatine’s puppet problems. Lobbyists and Big Money control both parties much how “consultants” often keep things broken to justify their own jobs. Neither Democrats nor Republicans are any solution to the other’s problems. If you think Democrats and Republicans in government actually disagree, look how well they unite to disagree with Donald Trump. If it’s hard to accept, go watch a Harlem Globe Trotters game and compare the Washington Republicans to the Washington Generals.

Walls & Regulations

Fallacy: All walls are automatically bad and good. The Great Wall of China protected people. The Berlin Wall was built over roads and stopped people from returning to their own homes in their own countries. There are different types of walls.

Fallacy: All “morality” rules are bad, but all government rules are good. Some rules are good and some rules are bad. It depends.

Power and Money

Fallacy: America can never fail. It will be the first country in the world to keep the majority of its wealth forever, so it can always pay for everything no matter the price. There is nothing big to worry about. All fears are only 100% contrived. We do need to do basic upkeep. Nothing is beyond falling into disrepair if it is neglected.

Fallacy: America gained everything it has by stealing and gained nothing it has by stealing. America is a yeah-boo, it has many problems. But, given the demand for massive immigration, it seems to have done more good than harm. Doing less harm is a worthy goal. Making fewer enemies is a good thing. Usually, we make enemies because of things we don’t know we are doing wrong.

As for “America was only a 100% robber and never helped anyone without hurting someone else”, do your own research about philosophies of the “zero sum game”—that wealth can only be rearranged, not added to. Usually, people believe in or disagree with a “zero sum game”—based on their experience of having been able to generate something new or be hired into an institution that already existed before they came along.

Paranoia and Propaganda

Fallacy: No one ever stirs up fear to deceive me. Fear-mongering only affects people who disagree with me. They are the dangerous ones. They are the ones to be feared. They have put me in such danger. I’m fine. I’m calm. They are the ones who are paranoid. They’re going to ruin everything. Fear usually sneaks up on us without knowing it, none of us are immune to fear.