Write for Work

Write for Work

Whenever you write anything, make it your best. Review your words and mull over them. You don’t need to do this in all of your conversation or memorandum. But, when you craft an idea with words, use that as exercise. It will keep you from falling into the trap of thinking that you’re better than others, merely because you have a fat vocabulary.

You can view words as a way to always grow or as a way to dominate. Don’t fall for the trap of superiority. Just always learn to express yourself. Then, you’ll slice through difficult situations with ease.  · · · →

Vibe Always

Vibe Always

The most powerful thing you can do for everything in your life is emotional. Some things may be more powerful, but they are not for everything in your life. But, if you want to do one thing to improve everything in your life, then it will be to have emotionally good vibes—always.

We don’t need loads of hyperactive energy or so-called “positivity”; just make sure your emotions net a positive at all times. When a thought derails you, abandon it no matter what! Positive emotions mean you are always “more happy”. Then, like airplanes lift, you will always rise.  · · · →

When to Act

When to Act

Patience is not the same as ambivalence. Action comes into play after patience has been exhausted. So in a sense, patience is a threat. When someone is being patient with you, action is in the making if you don’t improve.

Action has repercussions. People will retaliate against your own action; patient people will act against your inaction. But the longer you act patiently, the stronger your position. So when you act, act with patience. Then, your position will keep growing stronger. Patience tells when to act: when the road stretches on with patience both behind and in front of you.  · · · →

Vibe Only

Vibe Only

The most important thing you can do is vibe. Thinking happy thoughts all by yourself will do more to change the world than a thousand invitations from the UN—and that only makes sense if you think about great marketing for a terrible product.

Your contact with people is only as good as you yourself. If you are toxic, then you will be poison to anyone you come across. But, the smell of something sweet can carry through a breeze for miles. If you simply be a truly uplifting person, people will build a road through mountains to find you.  · · · →