It’s high time somebody speak-up. In our age of political correctness, it seems that one demographic of people are radically overlooked, undermined, and oppressed every day. This group is made up of people who are black, white, red, orange, and mostly blue in the face. It is made of both men and women, young and old, underemployed and over-managed. What group am I speaking of? The despised group of people I’m referring to is best known as “The Majority."
The Majority of people in the United States ascribe to some form of Christianity, yet Christianity is the only religion that gets stopped in its tracks at every school. The Majority of the people are heterosexual, want to stay heterosexual, want to raise their kids as heterosexuals (so they will have grandkids,) and their only objection to the gay rights drama is vulgar people parading and imposing their sectarian ideals as the “new world disorder.” · · · →