In November, Americans fired Moderate Republicans and Moderate Democrats in one sweep, but they won’t stop there. Moderate pastors and ministers in the American Christian Church will be next. The twist will be that Moderate Christian leadership will react the same way as the Established Moderate Republican leadership. They’ll treat it as a “style” problem and announce a quest for “better communicators” to “convince people” that their mediocrity is beneficial—unaware that the clarification is only necessary because their actions shout the contrary.
Professionals who depend on popular public opinion aren’t all that different from each other, politicians and ministers alike. The good ones are exceptionally honest and the bad ones lie at altitudes in the pathological stratosphere—especially to themselves. They tell their donor base that the angry masses want them to “move even more to the center” when, in their minds, we don’t like them because we listened to the wrong guy on the radio.