“How can you change on something as fundamental as Life—at a time that is highly suspicious?.. I’m just not sure that passes the straight face test.” – Gov Jon Huntsman on Romney’s Abortion stance · · · →
Hold on Tight..
N Korea now led by Kim Jong Un, American troops being planted all over Pacifica, Chinese all angry about it, and election season in US and Taiwan is fast approaching. This is about to get really interesting.
America, now not being in Iraq, has to find SOME place to “further America and her interests”—we just don’t know how to live in time of Peace, with each other or with others, we can at least agree on that much regardless of political affiliation. Just think.. all those troops in Iraq, and the Seventh Fleet has quietly remained at China’s doorstep the whole time. Now they are looking for a Naval Base in Singapore—why do we need another Naval Base, unless the Military knows something we don’t.
And we all know military smack-action when we see it. “Hey, China, we’re going to place 2,500 troops really close to you, in Australia. There’s no problem, however. · · · →
American Dream?
The American Dream is to “live your life” ..a profound concept 500 years ago. ANYTHING more is not the American dream, but a specific dream. The American Dream became controversial because we complicated it and forgot how offensive it is to simply say “Get off me and let me LIVE!” · · · →
So many things would be solved, so many matters in books would be addressed, so so so much would be dealt with if we simply understood the significance of what it means to have a father. · · · →