Second Coming of the City-States

They seem to be returning. One, the Belle Isle commonwealth proposal, near Detroit, according to The Detroit News, and another, the Citadel: A Community of Liberty, in the mountains of Idaho.

Both are very different, economically, ideologically, and legally. Both would consider themselves under the sovereignty of the United States. Both would be under the defense of the US military. And land has been purchased for neither.

One is just west of the Appalachian’s. The other, just on the east side of the Rockies. Both are near America’s bread basket and would be easy to defend in a time of unrest. Perhaps this is a coincidence.

Though it focuses on Second Amendment and Liberty lovers, the Citadel does not intend any kind of affront to governments, but rather prepares to defend itself against economic, domestic, and natural disasters. This is according to the FAQ on the Citadel’s website:

What Threats Do You Expect to Defend Against?

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Papers Please

If you can register it with government, it may be good, it’s probably legal, and I might even give money to it… but it is NOT Christianity.

The Kingdom of God is above the earth and Christians believe that Christianity is the Kingdom of God come down to earth. Actions on the earth register with God—God doesn’t need to register with the earth.

I’m not suggesting any kind of rebellion against the earthly governments on the earth God created, mostly because Jesus didn’t either. In fact, quite the opposite: You don’t rebel against something lower than yourself… that wouldn’t make sense. If governments attack Christians, Christians get martyred because Jesus will bring us back to life—martyrdom verdicts from anti-god governments are rejected by the Courts of the Kingdom of Heaven, thus, we’re resurrected. Beat that. Why rebel against a lower court than yourself? America says it’s UNDER God, so, Christians don’t plan military revolt… well, unless they are in bed with the State.  · · · →