Raids on pig farms? Michigan’s DNR appears to be doing so.
The law was announced in October of 2011, no wild swine in Michigan. So, farmers had plenty of time to prepare, but is the DNR handling it properly? Frankly, I don’t know. That bothers me more than anything. ® recently posted an article that seemed written by a nutcase, calling for arrest of DNR agents and suggesting the possibility of lethal force against them. Sorry, but I don’t go for that.
If the DNR is invading private pig farms without due process, as the article claims, yeah, they are in big trouble. But violation of due process can’t be met with taking the law into our own hands. If it actually happened as reported, then the entire DNR must be investigated by the State, not individual citizens going after individual DNR agents.
But, the article fails to report why the State has declared the species dangerous. · · · →