Demon “possession” or demonic “influence” or being “demonized”… they may be different things, but it’s all demonic. For the purpose of this article, let’s just leave it at that.
Firstly, I believe that such demonic influence can explain the spiritual causes of a “personality disorder” which, according to Myers is A set of behavior which is characterized as inflexible and enduring maladaptive character traits that impair social functioning… yep, that probably has a demon behind it.
Think of it as a wild animal backed into a corner. You start talking sense and someone gets angry, loses all rationality, and you almost expect them to start barking like a dog at any moment. Maybe someone isn’t in that state, but you know they could go into it at any time.
Those are the clues. But what how can we understand it?
Ironically, or perhaps not so ironically, Rush Limbaugh’s explanation of Liberal thinking fits with this perfectly. · · · →