Central Goodness = Evil

Central Goodness = Evil

Central Goodness = Evil (mp3)

As a society develops, it tends to centralize the planning of good things. In the Church as in government, centralize goodness seems to be an improvement at first. But, with time, symptoms of tyranny and corruption emerge. Then, American Christians don’t blame the centrality of goodness, only the fading of the shroud.

Too much goodness in the hands of too few invites corruption. To end corruption, end centrally planned goodness in clerical Churchianity and government. Informal Christian fellowship trumps weekly monologues. States maintain sovereignty that Federations never receive.

But there’s a problem: Americans like centrality before its true colors show.  · · · →

American Christians Condemned Themselves

American Christians Condemned Themselves

American Christians Condemned Themselves (mp3)

Some say that God is judging America for immorality and abortion. Whether you agree, a larger Christian ethics problem predated any lapse in America’s moral decline: unforgiveness.

Jesus taught us to forgive, lest we not be forgiven. But, America has not forgiven the sins of our best political candidates. As a result, Christians surrendered elections to candidates who are no less sinful, but are better at hiding their sin from the public eye.

Had we not cannibalized our best candidates, they might have been able to prevent moral decline. By not forgiving ourselves, we condemned ourselves.  · · · →

The Bible’s True Credibility

The Bible’s True Credibility

The Bible’s True Credibility (mp3)

Bible critics say, “The Bible is useful.” Do Christians agree? Christians mainly seem to read the Bible in preparation for debates, not to personally benefit by reading it.

I think Bible critics just want to say something nice, to sound “objective”, and, thus, be more persuasive. However unintentionally the critics might be right: The Bible is VERY useful—in fact, the Bible’s usefulness could be the strongest testimony for its infallibility. But the Bible can only be as useful as we make it.

Don’t debate the Bible with Christians or critics. Just read it and see what your life proves.  · · · →

How Lawlessness Begins

How Lawlessness Begins

How Lawlessness Begins (mp3)

Law and order begin with governments that respect their own laws. Every leader must follow some rules. When the government follows their rules, the people are more likely to follow other rules. When the government overreaches, law and order lose their societal basis.

America may be reaching a time when political corruption causes chaos throughout the country. While experts debate legitimacy vs need concerning which powers the government has and which powers remain in the hands of the people, a greater sense of self-preservation may deserve a greater priority. It’s not mere statutory law at stake—but law vs chaos.  · · · →