How to Help Others

How to Help Others

We must help ourselves before we can help others.

Part of this principle comes from the Law of Basic Experience: One can only teach what one has done.

Part of this principle comes from basic safety in lifeguard training: Don’t become a victim yourself; you can’t save a drowning victim if you drown in the process.

Charity and compassion can become distractions from our own problems. They can even become addictions—both helping others and distracting us from our own problems.

Take time to search your own soul. You’ll make a far bigger difference when you help others by example.  · · · →

Direction vs Light

Direction vs Light

The relation between light and darkness relates to “direction”. Light travels in all angles and all directions from the source. Shadows, however, are not omni-directional; they only travel away from a light source.

A light that only travels across or down or over or up is not any true light. It may be redirected light, but the source of light shines in all directions. The only shapes like triangles or lines that occur naturally are shadows.

Light does not discriminate, shadow-makers do. Light does not favor directions, shadow-makers do. Don’t try to choose and pick so much. Just shine everywhere.  · · · →

Rocks Break Bones, not Light

Rocks Break Bones, not Light

I’m angry. So, I’m going to throw apples at the hunter. He already hunts me and seeks to eat me. I’m going to annoy him and make it easy for him to find me. I’m going to act-a-fool because I’m mad. I’m going to tell myself that he doesn’t treat me fairly so I can sleep at night.

That attitude defines enraged masses who will never be happy unless they can hate being slaves.

Don’t join them.

Instead of being angry at a dark world, be the sun that shines on it. Encourage people. Smile. Lift. Destroy darkness with light.  · · · →

Life 101: Always Listen

Life 101: Always Listen

We never know what we don’t know. If someone wants to talk, listen.

Cult-think mentality easily fills our fears with mental constipation: “They want to sell you snake oil,” it says. “Don’t let him speak. He will cast a spell on all who hear!”

Cult-think never solves problems. If someone wants to talk, listen. There is no good reason not to listen.

They may want to warn, defect, apologize, or even attack again. But, it doesn’t matter how evil they are or have proven to always ever be. If someone wants to talk, listen for one reason: You’re not telepathic.  · · · →