

Expand beyond your comfort zone. Keep reaching. Don’t shy-up. Coziness is the enemy of discovery. Heroes are made by stepping out, confessing wrongdoing while playing corporate inside baseball.

You never know what you miss by not going out your front door. Take the road less traveled—by others or by yourself. Learn, make a new friend, help a stranger in need. Of course, never put yourself at too much risk. Carrying hitchhikers is for young men with a conceal carry permit, not old ladies seeking adventure and compassion.

When you reach out, you might touch someone’s heart you never knew.  · · · →

Patience with Diamonds

Patience with Diamonds

The most difficult among us are the most rewarding. It goes for friendships, employees, students, children, and probably every romance.

Diamonds come in the rough and only those with insight recognize them. Anyone can appreciate a diamond once it has been cut to shape, but those who treasure diamonds in the rough stand to earn the greatest reward.

Diamonds are difficult. Not only are they hard and rare, rather than being scratched they often do the scratching. While everyone likes to adorn a diamond, only the most patient, strong, and skilled hands can help them ascend to their full potential.  · · · →

Stay Sharp

Stay Sharp

It is easy to think that nothing means something. When our priorities zero-in on “seeing God in coincidences” and “the wonderful work of our leaders” or “terrible, destructive schemes” to move us all to the moon as Martian slaves—we miss the problems right under our noses.

We are surrounded by fakes and phonies all across our social circles. People we feel guilty about thinking less of, who aren’t as good at normal stuff most people are—they are the ones who don’t disclose even half of their secret lives.

Don’t worry about “sneaks”, just keep sharp about what matters.  · · · →

Friends Outskill

Friends Outskill

Isn’t it a great thing when your childhood friends learn a technical skill that you could never understand—and you learn another technical skill that they could never understand.

The concept of “mutual non-understandability” seeds the source of respect.

How many people fight because they think their ideas are better than everyone else’s! Everyone’s an expert referee at a sports game—the ref isn’t there because he’s smart, he’s just the idiot in charge. We treat each other that way.

No one can fully understand a fellow human; advanced, specialized knowledge helps us to realize that just a little more.  · · · →