Fighting and Growth

Fighting and Growth

Trouble with the locals is always an opportunity. You may have a parking squabble in your new neighborhood. But once it’s resolved, everyone got to know you quite quickly. And, you discovered that neither you nor the neighbors were anyone’s enemy, but the enemy is the parking problem across your city. Identifying the community nuisance can bring even the fiercest enemies together.

You may drop a flower pot in your neighbor’s yard, just to have the neighbor bring you another missing plant. You see it’s time for bigger pots that won’t fall over and your garden grows all at once.  · · · →

Self Admission

Self Admission

It’s a near impossibility—admitting when you’re not enough. The older generation is responsible for the glass ceilings it places above the next generation. If you are in that older generation, you must blame yourself for everything that hadn’t gone as you’d hoped. If you are in the next generation, you must forgive the older generation for giving you this blend of limits and powers—making you want to love and blame at the same time.

Neither generation wants to swallow that big pill. But, we can only move forward as much as we let ourselves face our generational reality.  · · · →

Your Charge must Be Strong

Your Charge must Be Strong

Be concise. Whether you will wait or whether you will charge in, do one or the other, and do so with certainty. When waiting or charging in, you’ll guarantee failure if you hesitate. So, the deeper issue is confidence and judgment.

When is it time to wait and when is it time to charge? This is one question, not two; the answer comes from patience. If you’re not in a hurry, and if your goals are redemptive in nature and demonstrate enough good will, you’ll have no problem waiting, then finally pouncing on the enemy when the proper time arrives.  · · · →



Humanity will never have a shortage dissenters. Don’t get bent out of shape over normalcy. And, don’t fret over the schemes of people who do not yet know better. You’re bigger than that. You know that.

The best retort is results. The best way to gain respect is results. The best way to convince people you’re right is the size of your wallet—because the secret to wealth is only doing what makes money rather than only doing what squanders money. If it doesn’t win, winners won’t care either way. Neither should you. Let all forms of failure fall away.  · · · →