Stay Big

Stay Big

The big picture often trumps all.

Look at your annual budget when deciding your monthly budget. Filing for a tax extension because you procrastinated actually takes more time because of the additional filing. That’s about five minutes you took from your year that you could have spent better reading the Bible or watching baseball.

When people stonewall, it’s really annoying and frustrating and… You know what, it’s not that big of a wall. Only petty people stonewall because only petty people care. The same goes for insults and gossip and anything.

The big picture prioritizes money, time, strategy, and friendship.  · · · →

Abandon ‘Officiality’

Abandon ‘Officiality’

The world advances and decays one person at a time. Institutions follow the footprints of pioneers who do the actual exploring and surveying. Real things are accomplished by hard-working, real people.

Institutionalization, however, is but a shell that remains after the life of an organic society petrifies. Unfortunately, most cultures revere institutions as a kind of “official” status, as if a group or movement is somehow less valid before it incorporates and forms a board. Actually, becoming “official” in that sense makes a group less legitimate.

Just be who you are. Real people will recognize you for who you are.  · · · →

Power Softly

Power Softly

Governing is the opposite of control, not the opposite of anarchy. Anarchy is only 90° off from control and governance.

Governing is soft-handed guidance of a society with a mind of its own.

Governance leads people by recognizing who the people are and thus calling them whatever and whomever they already chose to be.

People have ambitions and responses, a psychology. They respond negatively to bad rules and appreciate rules that fit their daily routines.

When leaders don’t govern softly and fittingly, people rebel. Whoever rebels with hard fists fail, but well-fitting soft-handedness always wins, whether in leadership or rebellion thereof.  · · · →

Beauty Wins War

Beauty Wins War

Even after he has been dead almost nine years, Michael Jackson remains the most popular entertainer of all time, and the most popular household name second to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Jesus made things out of wood, including our salvation.

Rather than listing acclaimed artists through the centuries, look at people who inspire us to live with more energy. Mao Tse Tung was wrong, no gun barrel can stop the masses when their hearts are strengthened by hope.

Let your artwork blossom. Whatever skill you have, cultivate it, prune it, feed it, strengthen it, do whatever to let it flourish.  · · · →