Treat Friends as Friends

Treat Friends as Friends

Treat your friends well. Friends are friends as long as you treat them like friends. The moment you fail to forgive, fail to show mercy, or even fail to share is the moment you make your best friend into your enemy.

It’s not that your lack of compassion and kindness will offend your friend, though there is that. The problem runs deeper: Men are not inclined to die quietly.

When you fail in friendship to share and show mercy, you require that former friend to fight you to survive. That choice adds insult, so such friends won’t object to fighting.  · · · →

Yank the Cord

Yank the Cord

Everyone has opportunities and no opportunity lasts forever. So, everyone has a revolving door of opportunities that come and go. But, people tend to forget, which is why people tend to take opportunities for granted, thinking every opportunity will last forever.

Sometimes you are the opportunity for someone else. Accordingly, people will take you for granted and think that your time is limitless. When they do, don’t stick around for them. It’s always tempting to stick around while ambivalent people ponder nothing infinitely; don’t.

One of the best opportunity teachers is the opportunity missed. Never miss your teachable opportunity to teach.  · · · →

Messy Patience in Leadership

Messy Patience in Leadership

Many of us live in a world surrounded by stuff that doesn’t work—square pegs ordered for round holes they won’t fit, things so disorganized not a flicker of hope shines an escape from chaos, people who just won’t do a good job no matter how much extra work it creates for themselves and others. Such disorder requires patient leaders.

The temptation of any leader or foreseer is to push the process along and make life better. Don’t be seduced by this. People’s quality of life must be their own, not their leader’s. Order can be taught, but not bestowed.  · · · →

Killing Cockroaches

Killing Cockroaches

There are two ways to kill a cockroach, one way involves the same way to prevent its intrusion in the first place: starvation. If we don’t have food or water sprinkled all over our floors and in the cracks of our sofas, they won’t last more than a month and they probably won’t move in to begin with. The second way is with poison.

Cockroaches poop and pee and make our houses stink. Outside, they keep the world clean because the rain cleans up after them. They’ll only visit to clean up houses whose keepers don’t clean up after themselves.  · · · →