Charm Knocks

Charm Knocks

Some doors only open when you push on them. It can be rude to ask for a free gift, but some things require request. Know the difference.

When it is time to knock on the door, knock gently and kindly. Wait until answered. Knock again if no one hears. If no one is home, go away and come back to knock again another day.

Shut doors open with two keys: patience and charm. You have to keep knocking, but you must also smile while you wait. You never know who may be inside looking out, deciding before giving an answer.  · · · →

Take Your Leap

Take Your Leap

Don’t wait always. Waiting and calculating can be good, but not when the oceans open up a way forward.

Sometimes you’ll have to interpret signs in the universe spoken without words. A sunny day and a break in your schedule might mean you need to take a walk outside. Who knows where your journey could lead. A bold knock, a new friend, a changed law—anything could open one path into another. But, you’ll only know if you keep walking.

So, consider the invitations given in nature’s native language. Watch for circumstance as they explain an open invitation, then accept.  · · · →

Fame Quests

Fame Quests

Today presents too many quests for fame. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, Snapchat, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr—the many corners of the sprawling social “bragosphere” have everyday, average, ordinary people hungry for fame.

We grow up being told to watch the TV. Then, the TV tells us to try to be famous like the people trying to be famous on shows like “Star Search” or “Britain’s Got Talent”. But, fame doesn’t always seem to turn out so well. Just ask any of the actors who played Anakin Skywalker.

Don’t seek fame; seek to build your character first. When worthy, you’ll shine.  · · · →

Which Expert?

Which Expert?

Everyone can become an expert in some field. An awesome counselor becomes a renowned authority because of people well-counseled. A pro-golfer becomes a moral role model for young people. A basketball star becomes a hair style trend-setter and informal international negotiator with North Korea. A Rubik’s cube tutor becomes a famed blogger that network news wants to interview about social-political matters.

But, is it wise to hire life coaches or psychotherapists to help set and achieve our life goals, rather than product managers who know profitable scalability? I wouldn’t ask my neurosurgeon to clean my kitchen; better a house cleaner.  · · · →