Go Time

Go Time

It never feels like the “right time” to step out onto the field. Every athlete wishes for more preparation. Every coach longs for “one more practice”. Good athletes may know that they are ready, but it indicates overconfidence for one to hope to not be more ready than one is.

When it’s showtime, show.

Wars aren’t won and businesses aren’t built by people who are ready; they are won and built by people who aren’t ready, but who take on the odds anyway.

If you have a choice, prepare. But, when the time calls your name, get in the game.

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Blossom Your Art

Blossom Your Art

Art must be shared. No one can learn and grow in any artistic work without putting the artwork out for the world to enjoy.

Dance, paint, built, design, invent, display, show, explain, imagine, perform—whatever your sector, make your work known. Flowers and blossoms don’t grow on trees and plants to keep bees and nature enthusiasts away. The fruits of the blossoms, just the same, were meant to be shared and enjoyed.

When the world gives feedback on your work, accept it. You will certainly need to improve somewhere, somehow. But, if you never share, you’ll never know—none will.  · · · →

The Art of Defense en Masse

The Art of Defense en Masse

Facing a flood of confrontation is no easy task. It’s not a normal task either.

Staring down a sea of opponents trying to boil your hide would be enough to paralyze most ordinary people and deserves a number among experience-enhanced skills. It takes know-how. It takes guts, wits, and spine.

If you’ve never dealt with a plurality of daily adversity, you won’t know how to handle the unwritten quarter of the job description for executive leadership. This is why many “professional” executives fail—they only have experience in the written job description. Once conflict starts, all written strategies are irrelevant.  · · · →

Hold Your Win

Hold Your Win

The other guy is just as scared as you are.

He may be your enemy. He may be your ally. You may have one of each—or thousands. Whomever the other guy may be, remember that you’re both terrified to face the fight.

Stand your ground. Don’t fear the enemy as much as he wants you to. If he is overconfident then he’s more likely to lose. Your allies need you just the same. Be there for them. Be reliable. Be dependable. Be where you need to be in order to help your friends. Don’t move; stay where you’ll win.  · · · →