Missiles Fly

Missiles Fly

Missiles travel. You shoot them in one place and they land in another. For the simple-minded, this can be a difficult concept to grasp. It takes an attention span, the mental framework called “object permanence”, and dare I say a conscience. Those who succumb to the seduction of things being out of mind if they are out of sight won’t grasp the concept of missiles because they can’t believe in the existence of what they can’t see right in front of them.

The application is broad—safety, danger, diplomacy, mutual assured destruction, distance, aim. Just be aware that missiles fly.  · · · →

Step Calm and Stand On

Step Calm and Stand On

Calm, steady continuation helps keep our focus on the future. They say, “If you’re going through Hell, keep going!” The next steady step will steadily move you on toward steadfast stability. It doesn’t feels like it in the moment, but it will.

The attacks and flack and wind can only move things that aren’t solid. They test and bend things. But, wind passes by definition. It comes and it will go. As for the attacks, the best revenge is to not quit.

Every attack depends on its own victory. If it fails, then its unreturned expense becomes a self-inflicted fine.  · · · →

Consider Cockroaches

Consider Cockroaches

When you see a problem or a challenge or an end to reach, never take it at face value. Everything has prerequisites, even problems. By looking at the prerequisite, you’ll make your goals easier to reach and your challenges easier to overcome.

Even problems have to do their homework. Even problems need to eat and sleep. Maybe your problem is that you’re trying to reach a goal without letting your goal sleep, eat, and do its homework. Cockroaches need crumbs on the floor—eliminate the crumbs and the roaches will move out. Stand for what’s right and others will follow.  · · · →



Boundaries change, whether in style or location. We need them as much as we need them to be suitable. You separate work from play—not always an easy thing, and sometimes you need to blur that line for the sake of your work. Some separations can be bad, especially if a border becomes a boundary among kin.

Your life borders against others. Crossing over a border can turn a boundary into a highway,opening new friendship, as long as that border remains respected. Friendship that crosses the border is only as honored as much as the friends honor their border.  · · · →