Division Paves

Division Paves

Separation and polarity may be the only path forward. That’s not the most preferable way, but it’s all that’s left when people can’t reconcile their differences. God hates divorce, which doesn’t mean He disallows it, but that He hates whatever cause makes it necessary.

As our differences mature, don’t think the battles are lost; they’re only growing up, you along with the other. Your focus must be on choosing the right side, which always includes choosing the path of learning from the word rather than the rod and long-term, sustainable victory. Gauge your path carefully; every loser thinks he’s right.  · · · →

Altitude of a Bus Missed

Altitude of a Bus Missed

Sometimes we miss the bus. Care and charm prevent many a diplomacy upset. But, no falling-out falls out without a buildup of grievances. Once those grievances pile up, it’s hard to make up for what we’ve lost. The bus leaves and we wake up too late to catch it.

A missed bus isn’t the end of the world. Life carries on and so must we, having learned valuable lessons. We have to bear the fallout of our piled-up negligence and keep from becoming too toxic to pay bills. Then we learn the biggest lesson in the pile: Attitude is altitude.  · · · →

Judging Honestly

Judging Honestly

Keeping a secret could mean that you can’t vindicate yourself. There might be a very good reason why you do what you do, but to tell that reason might hurt someone else. So, doing the right thing might require the appearance of doing the wrong thing.

The lesson to learn from this isn’t about self-sacrifice; it’s about not being quick to judge. Taking the hit for others is about understanding oneself. Not judging others for taking a hit is about understanding others. So, to be willing to take the hit for others first requires not judging others—and that’s harder.  · · · →

Dream for Thyself

Dream for Thyself

We can’t win with everyone. And, maybe we shouldn’t try anyway.

People make their own choices, just how you make yours. Everyone has a dream of changing the world and convincing stupid people to stop being stupid. Almost no one has a dream of changing themselves and convincing themselves to stop being stupid. You could be part of the solution, just be a little more selfish with your dreams for change and make those dreams a lot more about yourself.

People have to fail sometimes, other times they need our help. We’ll know what to do if we change first.  · · · →