Gently Strong

Gently Strong

Holding your ground and being gentle aren’t opposites. No one wants what you have to offer if what you have to offer spells their own doom. As you enforce the rules you live by, don’t require the demise of those who comply, unless you somehow aim to redefine others as rule-breakers—and that’s never a good idea. Just ask King John.

Be gentle as you follow your code. Provide a path to redemption to the lost while upholding general principles that prevent people from getting lost in the first place. In keeping the goal of redemption, you’ll have no problem.  · · · →

Calm Respect

Calm Respect

Stay respectful and stay calm—always!

When people are wrong, help them see the most helpful things to help them on their way. Stick to what’s useful. When someone says something that isn’t useful, saying so isn’t useful. Don’t fully change the topic, just shift it over a little to some useful idea. Focus on whatever goodness you want more of, not the bad you want to eradicate.

Conflict and disagreement make fragile circumstances. Handle with care. Don’t toss eggs on the table. Don’t gently roll them away either. Where an egg rolls to it can roll from, then smash.  · · · →

Tap Your Energy

Tap Your Energy

It’s one’s energy source itself that makes the difference in the end. From the environment to relationships, we rely on some form or energy—and all energy needs a source. It could be petroleum to drive an automobile. It could be a battery to drive something faster and simpler, but whether a battery is cleaner than gasoline depends on where the battery gets its energy.

Or, your energy could be your own source of personal power. Do you pollute those around you on account of your social energy? At the end of the day, it goes back to the source.  · · · →

Hate an Answer?

Hate an Answer?

Everyone, sooner or later, tries to solve problems with hatred—everyone.

We usually don’t think about it when we do. Hatred is a kind of auto-pilot, a pattern we default to when it’s too hard to change, like a bad habit we explain away as not being a bad habit. Once we know we are in the act of acting in hatred, it’s not hatred anymore. Funny thing, hatred only operates when we don’t know it or refuse to admit it.

Hate is no answer though, as much as our habits would have us think. Be rational and don’t hate.  · · · →