What It Means to not Whine

What It Means to not Whine

One of the most impossible lessons of personal growth is about not fixing blame. The specific person and specific circumstance that knocked you down were almost surely wrong, somehow. It might have even been on purpose. But, you must ignore all of that and do nothing but take the next step.

You demonstrate how grown up you are by the size of problems you shrug off. Everything should be no big deal. Don’t ball up into your emotional hideaway and crawl into a bed of blame and shame. Take the next step toward your own progress, not justice for yourself.  · · · →

Plans for Justice Help

Plans for Justice Help

Frustration and angst fester where there is no explanation of a conundrum. One important role of the Supreme Court is to provide judicial opinions—both for the majority ruling and the dissenting. The opinion is almost as important as the ruling itself, perhaps even more. By knowing why the right and wrong things are right and wrong, we codify a precedent to carry out the decision before us and to navigate conundrums in the future.

When you’re frustrated, you might decide to look for a simple opinion. Knowing what to do might only follow knowing what to think about it.  · · · →

Pony Banter

Pony Banter

As a general rule, don’t banter with ponies. Horses are glad to take directions and work, as long as they don’t get spooked. So, just work, focus on work, encourage, and stay focused on work.

It can be quite a shock, seeing how many troubles we create and avoid, all depending on where we focus. Get the job done and you’ll be amazed at the disappearance of so many problems that seemed big at the time, but no longer matter when we’re finally finished.

Ponies are there to help, not pontificate. Do the work, stay encouraging, don’t spook, and finish.  · · · →

Truth vs Marketing

Truth vs Marketing

Generally, the public doesn’t like to hear bad news. Then again, in the news business, bad news sells. The public wants to hear something uplifting, but good news never gets watched.

There is a magical balance to strike, and it takes a kind of experienced perfection few ever reach: to deliver the truth in a way people would hear it. Much of the time the message is ignored comes due to much of the public not wanting to hear it.

The days of truth are a magical moment in history, when a messenger speaks perfectly and the people actually listen.  · · · →