

Storms are made of raindrops. Any one drop by itself seems insignificant, though a single drop on your forehead can warn you of millions more on the way. That’s the power of raindrops: They work together.

Democracies thrive on free speech. Open communication of ideas allows the government formed by the people to access its most valuable resource: information from the public. Legislatures vote on ideas because of ideas. And, those small, simple ideas have their power because they are exchanged through small, simple conversations.

So, everywhere you go, drip your ideas. You might not believe what difference you make.  · · · →

Friendship Hurts

Friendship Hurts

Friendship hurts. Fake friends don’t know our flaws, then hate us when our daily facade wears off and we can’t mask our flaws any longer. Real friends see each others’ flaws and don’t care. Real friends accept each other just as they are.

But, it hurts. Friends do things that hurt us. We may lose the friends we hurt. Can you endure the price of pain required by a real friendship? Most of us fear causing enough pain to earn a worthy friend because we fear the risks of rejection and being injured. But, real friendship makes it worth it.  · · · →

Be Yourself

Be Yourself

We broken humans so easily hide behind our skills and vocations. Teachers hide behind their knowledge, celebrities behind their image, athletes behind their trophies, the rich behind their status, and leaders behind their office. It’s not in our DNA, but it’s in our gravity. We feel the pull toward hiding our true selves behind anything for fear of others seeing who we truly are—flaws, love, and all.

So, friends who can accept us are a rare treasure. But, even more rare is the one who can accept oneself. If you want to be special, stop trying and just be.  · · · →

Humble Rejection

Humble Rejection

When unjustly struck, bow back. It’s a simple, but effective equation: Respond in humility. Others will be rude to you, be offended by you, it’s wrong, they’re wrong, or maybe you’re wrong. Whoever is wrong, it is beneath no one to respond in humble kindness.

In theory, no one should be capable of being offended. Being offendable is a sure sign of weakness. When others show that weakness, you have the perfect opportunity to build them up. Show them that you are not above them. Be the the adult in the room; let your humility let others be adults too.  · · · →