I write this as a friendly critique, honest, and hoping to fuel progress. This isn’t run-o-the-mill disrespect from a dissident. Your hunger for the story is as enticing as your delivery of it. Even when I disagree with your conclusions, I’d rather watch you than a yawn-time anchor.
To the sword, I think you could have done better at times. Among the many more you probably list for yourself, two particular examples stand out for me.
1. Kimberly Davis, County Clerk, Rowan County, Kentucky
The real story was not about Kimberly or about homosexuality, but what happens shortly after someone has a “come to Jesus moment”. The word on the street is that she recently had such a moment. It is very difficult to confirm without either a regular blog form Kimberly herself or without a sit-down with both Kimberly and her close Christian associates. But, let’s run with this version for the sake of analysis. · · · →