Psychology of Demon-influenced People

Demon “possession” or demonic “influence” or being “demonized”… they may be different things, but it’s all demonic. For the purpose of this article, let’s just leave it at that.

Firstly, I believe that such demonic influence can explain the spiritual causes of a “personality disorder” which, according to Myers is A set of behavior which is characterized as inflexible and enduring maladaptive character traits that impair social functioning… yep, that probably has a demon behind it.

Think of it as a wild animal backed into a corner. You start talking sense and someone gets angry, loses all rationality, and you almost expect them to start barking like a dog at any moment. Maybe someone isn’t in that state, but you know they could go into it at any time.

Those are the clues. But what how can we understand it?

Ironically, or perhaps not so ironically, Rush Limbaugh’s explanation of Liberal thinking fits with this perfectly.  · · · →

Dear Christians: TALK to each other!

Taiwan is in a lot of trouble, with their “relationship” with China being what it is, and all. If the crud hits the fan over that, the ramifications for America would be enormous.

What can we do to help? PRAY. But that’s just the problem. We can’t pray together if we don’t TALK together.  · · · →

Future Apostolic Leadership in the Church

I was inspired to write this, partially in response to a personal blog post, Give your pastor a break. Pastors indeed suffer from burnout, but lack of vacation time isn’t the reason why. Though everyone needs to rest—even the Lord rested on the seventh day—it won’t solve the problems pastors face in the Body of Christ. The problem goes much deeper—to the very structure of leadership within the Church. It’s rigid and top-heavy. Many in the Local Church movement, which began in China, call this the “clerical system” and refused to have anything to do with it.

The Church Is Upside-down

God is about to completely change the way we do Church. It’s not that He’ll turn the Church on her “head”. The Church has been standing on her head for more than a millennium-and-a-half. He’s going to turn the Church right-side-up, placing us back on our feet.

Our upside-down framework began when Rome appointed “clergy”, from the pagan religions of old, to give so-called “spiritual guidance”—both individually and corporately.  · · · →

The Solution to Denominationalism


The missions movement and the prayer movement are combining. Consider the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Youth with a Mission, Campus Crusade for Christ, Operation Mobilization, Inter-varsity, and others. These are locking arms with the understanding that radical prayer and radical missions cannot be separated.

Jesus isn’t coming back so we can have more pastor-planned smallgroups. He’s not coming back once we get enough houses of sermons and monologues. He’s coming back to set up His Kingdom, once we reflect His Kingdom in the earth. The main obstacle standing in the way is not the new, fancy building fundraisers that have yet to collect all their pledged donations.

Church without denominations is almost unimaginable, but it is both necessary and possible. There are many different streams that may be considered. The first is the Local Church movement from China.

The Local Church of Watchman Nee has an administration that operates locally and without clergy.  · · · →