

When young David slew the gargantuan Goliath, was it really Goliath who was his enemy? Goliath seemed to think so, did David? Goliath’s Philistine army was dressed and draped in iron armor, an ancient war “technology” that Israel was only just then catching up to. You could tell that King Saul had metal on his mind; he tried to give David his own armor.. and David didn’t want it. David knew something that no one else seemed to—and it wasn’t that God was going to do a miracle. The moment David’s stone sunk into Goliath’s skull, everyone was surprised—except David. All this shiny technology didn’t stand a chance against David’s skill with a sling that he’d mastered in the field, with the sheep, when no one else was looking.

Imagine: You are the youngest of your brothers, you get stuck in the field with the sheep all day, every day.  · · · →