Get Our Counterfeits Straight

The Journal

The PointPodcastThe Point
// Carl Medearis raised some interesting questions with his ministry among Muslims. I refer you to an interview and teaching since I will not attempt to summarize his own opinion.

We would do well to see the difference between Do-ers and Writers. Carl is a Do-er, not a Writer.. though he is an Author with some books. Anyone can author a book and some Authors even get their books published—like Carl. Writers carefully understand something and express it so others can also understand. They have an analytic skill and a way with words. Carl, on the other hand, has a way with people.

Reconciling different peoples at war with one another, explaining Jesus to people who hate Christians, and choosing the right words to get one’s self out of a tight pinch certainly take people skills—that’s Carl. He tells of miracles and favor—things the Apostle Paul also had.  · · · →

Poetic Governance

Poetic Governance

When we consider the Sovereignty of God, the idea that He is in full control through all Creation, we often view it in an overly-simple way that breeds confusion. One classic example is the apparent conflict between God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will. There are many other examples that are similar to this, including daily leading of the Lord. Does God truly care which shirt you wear? Well, perhaps He does.. today, but maybe He won’t tomorrow. And what does it mean that He cares? Is He testing us by giving us useless orders just to see what we will do? He absolutely never does that, even though we may not yet see how His direction affects our lives and the lives of others. Everything He does and commands has an influence toward His purposes and God trains us by giving us smaller assignments that matter and, when we come into line with His heart, He gives us bigger assignments that matter..  · · · →


The PointIt broke my heart, but, honestly, we all knew it was coming.

A man wanted to be a writer, his father told him to conform to society like an interchangeable part, he became a leader in an industry funded by Apple contracts, then said to ignore Steve Jobs—the very man who made him rich. It reminds me of the brat teen, cursing his parents, saying he has nothing.. when he, too, has a MacBook, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and maybe even an iHome and the accouterments to boot.

Steve Jobs didn’t get along with people because he stayed focused on his vision: putting a ding in the universe. His company cultivated teamwork, not because they tried to get along, but because they pursued the same goals, ruthlessly. Steve didn’t worry about food. He was hungry during some of his greatest years of learning because his passions took priority. And, most of all, Steve didn’t sell himself, rather, he sold the idea that computers could be as consumable as Apples.  · · · →

Steve Jobs

Every photo of Steve Jobs reflects a clear stage in his life and in Apple’s history. At any point, one can say, “This one’s from the initial momentum of Apple.” Or, “Oh, that was when he was starting-up Pixar after getting fired for not being a ‘team player’ in the 80’s.” Or, “That’s the release of iTunes to sell songs in a way that prevents illegal downloading.” Or, “Ahh, yes, the first iPhone… three products in one.” Or, “Ahh, the resignation.” He was always developing and working on SOMETHING. Not long after starting one of his greatest passions, the Macintosh, he was maneuvered against and fired by the very man he hired, an ever-observing non-visionary who would oversee the degrade of Apple in the ten years that followed. Steve, however, saw the entire experience as a blessing in disguise. Having to start over, with Pixar, he was no longer bound by his success.  · · · →