Democrats should be proselytized, valued, and prayed for. Moderates, however, are parasites to any political party, their nation, and their God.. if they have one. It’s hard to believe anyone has a God if they don’t even have personal values. Too many Moderates pretend to fear God and too many God-fearers tolerate them. · · · →
Thank You Andrew Breitbart
Andrew Breitbart will be very missed. He was an inspiration to live passionately, demonstrated the virtue of opinionated brashness—knowing it is a sign of friendship for those who would accept it—and a reminder that we never know when it will come to an end. · · · →
Shallow Voting
America voted for Obama for Hope and Change and a polished smile. Four years later, the only man to balance the budget in 50 years, Newt, is thrown under the bus as the sheeple flock to smiley-Romney and smiley-Santorum. SUBSTANCE, PEOPLE! · · · →
Tooning is HERE
Yes, it’s finally arrived. now syndicates the soon-to-be world renown Funny paper Comic series original, known for its vast wisdom and grand comedic brilliance. · · · →